The American Water Spaniel dog breed

The American Water Spaniel dog breed originates from Wisconsin in the United States and unfortunately to this day it is thought that there are no more than 3000 existing specimens in the world. This breed is not known outside of the United States and practically its specimens are grouped in a few states in the mid-west of the USA and especially along the Mississippi River. Mainly used as hunting dogs, due to their character they are also excellent companion dogs. And especially for the modern hunter, who lives in the urban centers, this dog is excellent as it is a perfect companion both for hunting and for life.

This is one of the few dog breeds actually created in the United States and their origins are somewhat controversial. Its birth is dated in the early nineteenth century and there are two versions. The first is that its ancestors were very different dogs such as:Β  The English Water Spaniel, the Curly Coated Retriverm The Irish Water Spaniel and other breeds still, plus other unspecified Indian dogs. The most accredited theory is that of Dr. Fred J. Pfeiffer, who was a well-known dog breeder, and who traces its origin to the coupling between Field Spaniel and Curly Coated Retriver.

The breed was recognized only in 1940 when the first specimen of the breed was registered, a male named Tidewater Teddy. A very good hunter in difficult waters, in the woods and on uneven terrain, it is mainly used for hunting, but it is also an excellent watchdog and companion dog. Water in its name indicates that this dog is particularly useful for diving from boats or canoes to bring back game shot by its owner.

Character of the dog breed American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel is a very sociable dog, it is never hostile, just the opposite, it parties with anyone, enthusiastic and extroverted. It is one of those breeds that likes to be the center of attention and who always likes to play, so very suitable to be at home with the family and especially with children with whom he never gets tired of playing. It takes confidence immediately even with people who do not know, as a companion dog is perfect, although it is a hunting dog.

It is very affectionate, especially with its owner, but also with all the other members of the family, it suffers a lot from loneliness, therefore it is not suitable for those who would leave it alone for several hours a day. It is also renowned for being a very docile dog and very easy to train because it is very intelligent. He needs physical activity, so it is necessary to take him outside to walk or run for a sufficient amount of time, every day.

He loves to play and learn new games of agility and intelligence, so the ideal thing would be to involve him in dog sports such as agility and others, even in water rescue activities in which this dog excels like few others.

However, it is a territorial dog and sees in other dogs, especially in male specimens, a threat to its dominance, so it is good an early socialization with other dogs to avoid future problems.

Appearance of the American Water Spaniel dog breed

The American Water Spaniel is quite small in size, from 38 to 45 centimeters in height at the withers, this is the case for both sexes, while the weight of the male ranges from 13 to 20 kilograms while the female from 11 to 18.

The body is slightly longer than high, the trunk is well developed, the thorax is deep but not excessively wide.Β  It is solid, muscular and full of strength, but not clumsy at all. The paws are very strong, assisted by long and powerful muscles, the feet are the right size and well closed, to ensure the grip on the ground. The tail is carried low and is of an average length; it is attached at the height of the dorsal line and has a very thick and curly hair.

It has a wide and full skull, with an evident stop. The muzzle is of medium length, square. The expression is intelligent and attentive. Truffle: dark color, black or dark brown, wide with large nostrils to improve the sense of smell. The eyes are not very big, yellow brown or hazel, depending on the coat. The ears are long, wide, covered with curls and positioned above the eye line.

The coat is dense to protect it from the cold, consisting of liver-brown or chocolate brown curls. It has a thick undercoat to ensure sufficient density to be protective against weather, water or harsh undergrowth; but not too rough or too soft. The limbs have curly bangs, which are moderately short.

Health and Care of the American Water Spaniel Dog Breed

The American Water Spaniel is a sturdy, strong and durable dog but can have problems that mainly affect joints, eyes and heart. As a matter of fact, like many dog breeds, it can suffer from hip dysplasia and, in particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the health of the eyes: two diseases that occur in these dogs are cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy.

The American Water Spaniel, contrary to what you may think, is not a dog that habitually loses a lot of hair. It does, however, have a curly or wavy coat that tends to tangle if not brushed fairly frequently.

Its diet must be healthy and balanced, without the addition of external supplements.

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